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Starting your blog: Lesson Two

You've thought of what you'd like to write about and you're all set to make your $$$? Easy will ya. If you'd like to stand out from the rest, go buy a domain, or you can just use any of the free blog sites such as this one (Blogger).

The next step will be to setup hosting for your blog. I would suggest that you go with the free hosting provided by Blogger. But getting your own hosting would be an advantage. You're not bogged down by bandwidth as well as disk space. I personally use ExaBytes for a number of my sites and their support has been excellent. They also give out some freebies during their promotions so look out for them.

That’s it. Welcome to the world of blogging. Let's start blogging!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that serious bloggers should get their own domains. That way you are not regulated by the domain owners. Imagine if you post something that makes you hundreds of dollars a day and because of some unresonable violation, you're required to take it down. Of course this is sort of an extreme example but with a few dollars (I got mine for 15- actually less than that because I found an online coupon worth around 10 bucks) you can own your own domain. Treat this as your personal space likeyour room in thecyber world and you'll find it worth it.

Just my opinion. and keep blogging!!! :) and make money !!BOLEH UNTUNG !

Admin said...

Hi Curiousman,

Thanks for your comment. Yes, I do think that serious bloggers should consider getting their own domains. But to those that are still new and would like to try and see whether blogging is for them or not, a simple, free domain is sufficient.

Keep on blogging!