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Blog Subcriptions - Bringing back more readers

RSS is supposedly the latest and greatest spam proof way to convey a message to your readers. But not everyone is used to this medium yet. You may have a very interesting blog and many readers who would like to receive updates, however they just simply don’t know what RSS is or want to bother with it.

Everyone has email, even my nephew who's 5 years old is using email, but if you were to ask him what RSS feeds he subscribes to, he’ll just look at you funny. Adding an email subscription function (such as the one on the top right hand side) for users to receive blog updates via email is a great way to increase page views. More views = more income.

Adding a subscription field to your site is made surprisingly easy by FeedBurner, a company which specifically provides blog/website email subscription services. Adding an email subscription form to your site is as easy as inserting one line of JavaScript, just as you would do for AdSense. There are many interesting functions available within FeedBurner. Give it a try. Instructions are rather simple and easy to follow. Once you're comfortable, you can always upgrade to some other email systems which offer more functions and extensions.

Adding a subscription field to this blog has definitely helped to increase page views and I would highly recommend adding one to your site as well. FeedBurner provides excellent services where you can configure email subscriptions on your site within minutes.

Check FeedBuner out, and don’t forget to subscribe to this blog for your latest money making advice!!

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